Homeowner Insurance Tree Damage Coverage

I wanted to address a question we’ve gotten a lot of calls on today. Tree damage due to our most recent ice storm. Below are three of our top carriers policies on how they handle tree damage. You will see most policies handle this the same, only the amount of coverage may vary but most are $500.00 for the coverage.

The main trigger for most policies is the tree must fall onto your property and damage it, such as falling onto your house. Just falling in the yard doesn’t generally trigger coverage.

Another common theme with all companies is that anytime property coverage is used, it is generally going to be subject to your deductible. So before you make a claim you would want to make sure it will be worth it.

Safeco tree coverage for debris removal. Coverage trigger is it has to damage covered property.

Debris Removal. We will pay the reasonable expense you incur in the removal of debris of covered property provided coverage is afforded for the peril causing the loss. Debris removal expense is included in the limit of liability applying to the damaged property. When the amount payable for the actual damage to the property plus the expense for debris removal exceeds the limit of liability for the damaged property, an additional 5% of that limit of liability will be available to cover debris removal expense.

We will also pay the reasonable expenses you incur, upto$500, for the removal of trees from the residence premises, provided the trees damage Building Property We Cover. The $500 limit is the most we will pay in any one loss regardless of the number of fallen trees.

Safeco New Quality Plus HO coverage increases Debris removal to 1000 from 500. No more than 500 of limit will be paid for the removal of any one tree.

Travelers tree coverage. Coverage trigger is it either damages a structure or blocks driveway/ramp.

Tree Removal. We will pay your reasonable expense, up to $1,000, for the removal of one or more trees fallen on the “residence premises” as a result of a Peril Insured Against, provided the tree(s):

  1. Damage(s) a covered structure; or
  2. Do(es) not damage a covered structure, but:
    • Block(s) a driveway on the “residence premises” which prevent(s) a “motor vehicle”, that is registered for use on public roads or property, from entering or leaving the “residence premises”; or
    • Block(s) a ramp or other fixture designed to assist a handicapped person to enter or leave the dwelling building.

The $1,000 limit is the most we will pay in any one loss regardless of the number of fallen trees. No more than $500.00 of this limit will be paid for the removal of any one tree.

ASI tree coverage. Coverage trigger is it either damages a structure or blocks driveway/ramp.

We will also pay your reasonable expense, up to $1,000, for the removal from the “residence premises” of:

  1. Your tree(s) felled by the peril of Windstorm or Hail or Weight of Ice, Snow or Sleet; or
  2. A neighbor’s tree(s) felled by a Peril Insured Against under Coverage C; provided the tree(s):
    • Damage(s) a covered structure; or
    • Does not damage a covered structure, but:
      1. Blocks a driveway on the “residence premises” which prevents a “motor vehicle”, that is registered for use on public roads or property, from entering or leaving the “residence premises”; or
      2. Blocks a ramp or other fixture designed to assist a handicapped person to enter or leave the dwelling building.

The $1,000 limit is the most we will pay in any one loss regardless of the number of fallen trees. We will pay no more than $500 of this limit for the removal of any one tree.


Russ Lowry, President
Oklahoma Insurance Group, Inc.


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